@vanfog Can I SSH/ SFTP/ SCP it into ATV1 somehow?
PS: Any light weight minimal - less graphics - more Text - High Resolution Skins?
When I say High Res… I mean being able to see more number of lines of code/ lines of Files/ Lines or cells/ rows of an Excel file on screen i.e. Smaller Font allow more visible lines per Folder that one goes into.
The fastest and lightest skin by far is Quartz5 for either Jarvis or Krypton. Runs like butter on my ATV with Ubuntu/Kodi Jarvis.
There are some small bugs, but none are showstoppers.
I really enjoyed the skin that is supposed to replicate the original aTV OS. Its light and has a lot of nice customization options available. Not sure if it is still supported as I actually use my aTV as a Plex server now.