Good Wireless Keyboard and Gamepad

Hi all,

Can someone suggest me a good wireless keyword (bluethoot or radio) and a gamepad that works fine with Raspberry PI 2 Model B and OSMC?
If possible post link to amazon to buy them.

I use this one happy with it,

All-In-One Media Keyboard

better than the cheaptest from Logitech

Forgot to mention 1 requirement. It must be small. Is this small enough?

Forgot my last question. I found the answer by myself. Here the dimension:
37,8 x 14,4 x 3,8 cm

Spec on amazon says it uses USB. Is this a wired keyboard? I need a wireless one.
From spec on amazon this is not specified.

Yes, radio with an tiny reciever.

Ok, the keyword aspect can be considered solved. I will wait for info on Gamepad. I saw the Xbox one that probably could fit my need. I have an original power supply 2A. I have HDD 2.5" SATA, wireless dongle 820.11n and IRC connected on USB. I have only one slot free and I cannot have keyboard and Gamepad attached at the same time.
I already have an USB keyboard that works fine so I expect the wireless keyboard should work too.
What about Gamepad, do you know if it requires too much current?

I had a cheap USB gamepad, and it was sluggish in the controlls. So i opted to use an xbox wired controller insted.

I recommend a powered usb-hub for you needs.I’m gonna need one myself soon, since 2 usb ports of my are used by usb hdds, and one for my ir-usb remote reciver.

Just ordered a airmouse from china, I hope it’s good and full fill my needs.