Got a second Vero want to clone 4k to the 5

Ok, might be root is not mounted. So to make live easy just do the reinstall

How do I do that?

Overlooked my previous answer?

I saw that but nothing happens with the sd card. Do I need to download the Mac version? I did the Vero version.

Download the installer that match the system you create the SD Card on. In your case that seems to be a MAC.

What format does the usb need to be? I get an error transferring it.

Edit: Same error with usb in the Vero 5. Failed to mount.

Transferring what? No need to format the installer will overwrite it.

Do I hook the Vero up to the Mac? Because installer to sd nothing happens except an error.

You use the installer on the Mac to install the Vero version on a USB Stick or SD Card and then you plug that into the Vero and connect it to power.

Says could not unmount error

I am not a mac expert, not sure how to overcome that.

Ok I managed to get it working. I think it’s reinstalling now. Says 15 seconds to reformat.

Ok back in fresh Vero 5 old Vero 4k+.

  1. Restore your backup
  2. Install autofs
  3. Restore the autofs config files, either I can give suggestions here or you copy these files from your Vero4k

Got the second Vero restored still getting the error guessing it’s something to do with the mounts. But here’s the log for Vero 5

Edit: Also oddly unable to ssh in says host key verification failed.

Which error?

Normally you should see something like this

osmc@vero4kp2:~$ ssh
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:QPXiKFw7fQpz7avx560/5oF6WLNKaZoNiWhAEKdnO0w.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? no
Host key verification failed.

Just type yes and the new device will be trusted.

If your Vero 4k and Vero V are both on the network, then ssh into the V and do this

sudo apt-get install autofs
sudo scp -r osmc@<IP of your vero4k>:/etc/auto* /etc/
sudo systemctl restart autofs

Thanks got into ssh still struggling re-setting mounts.

see my edit above. I think you are also using a smbcredentials file. You need to copy that over from the vero 4k as well.

I think I did that but still won’t play anything. I can check to verify. Everything says path not found or invalid.

That previous thread of yours is a troubleshooting tutorial.