Harmony smart control lag

Hi. For the last couple of days (possibly since the recent software update) navigating the vero 4k using my harmony smart control is noticeably laggy. The vero is tucked away in a cabinet with an IR blaster right in front of it, and have it linked via Bluetooth to the harmony keyboard. Performance with this remote was great prior to this. Is this an issue others are experiencing? Can post logs but not today unfortunately. Thanks.

Logitech are having server problems apparently. Nothing specifically to do with the Vero 4k.

See here:

Personally I’m not too impressed that the hub requires a constant connection to the net and falls over at the slightest hint of a problem at Logitech’s end. There’s zero reason it can’t work in an offline mode if they felt like implementing one.

I actually love the hub and remote, the Vero is super responsive using bluetooth but damn come on Logitech.

Hey, thanks for sharing Mevlock. Didn’t even think of questioning if the issue was on logitech’s side.

Some more details:
