Hauppauge 955Q tuner

I recently got a new tuner that, I hoped, I could get working with my Vero 4K with OSMC. I had been working with an older version of OSMC to keep an older tuner working. However, I installed a fresh version (actually 2023.05-1) and plugged in the new tuner:
Hauppauge WinTV-HVR 955Q, model 1191.

It was not recognized using Tvheadend. That is, nothing appeared under Configuration → DVB Inputs ->TV adapters.

My logs are available here:

I have tried googling various combinations of firmware, modules, tv tuner name and what-not. I haven’t gotten the right combination, however. That is, nothing I’ve tried has worked. Any help anyone could provide would be much appreciated.




I had all of the digital adapters enabled but not the analogue and capture card drivers. You may need to copy the firmware file over, but I’ve added support for the driver itself in the kernel for you. This will be part of the next stable update which I’ve tentatively scheduled for Sunday. You can however test it beforehand and that would be appreciated.

To test this update:

  1. Login via the command line
  2. Run the following command to add the staging repository:
    echo 'deb http://apt.osmc.tv bullseye-devel main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/osmc-devel.list
  3. Run the following commands to update: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && reboot
  4. Your system should have have received the update.

Please see if the issue is resolved.

I also recommend you remove /etc/apt/sources.list.d/osmc-devel.list after updating.

This will deactivate the staging repository. You can do so with the following command:
sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/osmc-devel.list.

Please note that we will automatically disable this update channel after 14 days on your device in case you forget to do so to ensure that your system reverts to the stable update channel.

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impressive speed of your reply! Isn’t it like 2 am in Britain? Regardless, I followed your steps and it appears to be recognized in tvheadend! Beautiful! I am scanning as I write this. Thanks so much!



Hi Christer,

It’s just gone 3AM here, but I’m a night person.

Let me know how you get on. If this works for you, it will also work on your next Vero (Vero V).

You may need to copy some firmware over if nothing is detected. I can help with this if it is necessary.

Please let me know if firmware needs to be included and I will also include it in the next image



As you guessed, the tuning is turning up empty. I am trying all the different sets of pre-defined frequencies, but nothing yet. My current logs are here:
I had hoped that I had the right firmware in /lib/firmware/. Among many other files, I have:
and several dvb-demod-si2168-(something).fw

It sounds like I might still need something, though?



… And I was just impatient. I went back and did the start wizard, being careful to use the correct pre-defined frequencies. And it all works! I am getting tv just fine. So I assume that means I have the appropriate firmware. Thanks so much for your help!



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I’m glad to hear this is working as expected.

This change will be in the next update for Vero 4K / 4K + and the upcoming Vero V device.

If there’s anything further we can do, let us know.
