Hauppauge WinTV-Duet Dual DVB-T Receiver

Having now tried 6-7 releases going back as far as January 2018, I decided that there must be an issue with the App Store version of TVHeadend - to test this, I installed it as per the App Store, and then from SSH, uninstalled just the TVHeadend package (to keep the dependencies):

sudo apt-get remove *tvheadend*

Then do the needful to install TVHeadend from their repository:

sudo wget -qO- https://doozer.io/keys/tvheadend/tvheadend/pgp | sudo apt-key add

echo "deb http://apt.tvheadend.org/stable raspbian-stretch main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tvheadend.list

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install tvheadend

sudo service tvheadend restart

Then login, scan, and this finds nearly 130 services, all working perfectly - currently this is installing TVHeadend 4.2.8-23

The options.conf for modprobe.d still needs to be altered to make my tuner work, but the firmware is installed by the App Store version of TVHeadend now, so I didn’t need to install it manually.

When installing the standard version of TVHeadend, the following packages are installed in addition to what the App Store version installs:

dtv-scan-tables dvb-apps libx11-6 libx11-data libxau6 libxcb1 libxdmcp6 libzvbi-common libzvbi0

Installing them manually alongside the App Store version unfortunatley doesn’t fix it.

Could we have the App Store version fixed please?