Having Trouble with Wireless

I have Pi 2 with a Tenda Wireless Dongle and it shows as connected to my wireless network. I can see the name of the box and ip and mac address on my network map. But in the system info it just shows the mac address busy sometime and that I’m not connected to the internet. I have updated the DNS to and did a reboot and it does update the Date and time but cannot get to the internet. I’m new to the Pi and OSMC and this is frustrating, I have had this issue for 4 weeks? Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot?

Provide output of:

ping www.google.com

I cannot get to command line , every time I hit exit it just locks up. Going to see if I can do a fresh install of osmc and return back to question if I have the same issue.

Can you ssh into OSMC? If so then your network is alive, so you can run the commands that @fzinken suggested. Also, the system info display is not always correct. Since the Time/Date is being updated, then you do have access to the internet. Why do you think that you don’t?

Cannot SSH even though the ip shows on my router and it is turned on in osmc

Fresh install is probably a good idea then. Sounds like you may have some corruption.