my issue is with cec and exists in every installation kodi receives signals through hdmi cec, from LG tv.
no matter if the installation of kodi is on windows with the USB hdmi cec adaptor or on raspberry.
the problem can be duplicate if in short time after kodi starts I press the left arrow. and only the left arrow as the 1st pressed key from remote. if I do that then by 50 percent kodi will freeze.
if I wait for a minute or two after kodi loads and I press left arrow then kodi works fine. also if right after kodi loads I press any other key than left then kodi does not hang and then works as it should.
so it happens only if right after kodi loads I press left and only left, by 50 percent chance.
I am not asking for a solution since this is not a problem that exists only in osmc, but in general up to my tests where ever kodi is installed and listens for hdmi cec.
what I am asking is the right direction to go for support. who is maintaining hdmi cec? how can I contact him?
thanks in advance.