Hdmi CEC issue

Hi there and greetings for everyone.

I’ve read every existing post about cec issues. There’re some related but none of them help me.

Thing is, after some solved problems, there’s still one.

My tv remote control works fine with OSMC via hdmi. Allows me to switch between sources and when i’m back to mi rpi, still working (allows me to pause, move over osmc menu etc)… If i turn off tv and turn on again on rpi source also works fine.

But the issue is: If i have selected tv (antenna) source, turn off tv, turn on and switch to rpi source, it loses cec connection and i have to reconnect manually. Is not the end of the world but i want it to work fine and i’ve tried every possible solution.

Here’s my info:

Device: Raspberry pi 2 b.
TV: LG 32ln
OSMC: Last version
LIBCEC: 3.0.1

I’m very noob at this so excuse me if i cause some troubles.

Thank you so much in advance.