HDMI-CEC seems to stop working after a couple of hours

and again:

Nothing CEC related in those logs, so hard to tell.
In the first log, I see

cectx c810023c.aocec: tx timeout

at Jan 02 12:57:00

So I assume CEC stopped working after this? Not sure when you went to check.

If still relevant:
Iā€™ve set "When the TV is switched offā€™ to ā€œIgnoreā€ for the time being.
Nevertheless Kodi does not react on any inputs after switching off & on the TV any more since a few updates. Restarting Kodi is sufficient to get it working again, no reboot required.

Hi Sam,
are there any other setting changes I can try to see if it improves?

Is this immediate?
Can you boot the device with CEC working, turn TV off and on and itā€™s broken? If so, I think itā€™s a different issue but might be trivial to fixā€¦

Still thinking.

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My observation with CEC is, that it comes back to working state after a few minutes of waiting. My vero4k turns off TV and soundsystem after a few minutes of idle to save energy. When I press a button on the vero remote, it turn both ON but sometimes I cannot raise volume and then I play something thereā€™s either no audio because everything is disconnected from each other or I just cannot control the audiolevel with the vero remote. But after stopping and waiting a few seconds and maybe pushing audiolevel buttons, it will work again.

Yes, exactly: It is immediate. I boot the device with CEC working, turn TV off and on - and itā€™s broken.

Going to try a couple of things.

Still trying,ā€¦

Exactly the same behavior here since the last update I believe. Never had an issue with this before. Please, let me know if I can provide any debug information. Thanks.

Since the last update, the ā€œremote-not-working-after-turning-TV-off-and-on-againā€ bug is gone.
Thanks a lot!

Mine is still causing CEC lockups.

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Not to me. Everything updated to the latest and still the same issue. @sam_nazarko any clue? Do you need anything to troubleshoot this further? Any workaround or temporary fix?

I have the same problem as my colleague. Years ago I solved it the same way and stayed with version 2022.3 where everything worked great. I recently accidentally updated to the latest one (where it says, among other things, that CEC is fixed), so the detection of CEC and ARC is problematic and the device does not work correctly. Does anyone have the osmc 2022.3 version please??

You can download the older version but ideally we want to fix the issue going foward

Any idea if the CEC issue persists in the latest kodi version OSMC updates?
Iā€™m stuck on this old version :frowning:

Also does anyone know if Vero 5 behaves ok in the same setup that the 4K+ has the problem with?
Iā€™ve changed my setup since this issue arose too (replaced Denon AVR-x1600h + speakers with a Samsung Q990c sound bar) so it might even be safe to upgrade now.

Anyone else using Samsung S95B TV + Q990c Sound Bar with Vero 4K+ and succesfully using CEC?

There are still some users reporting issues, yes. But not much consistency. I can only think of one final attempt to fully resolve the problem, which I will try and implement shortly.

Vero V users donā€™t seem to report this problem. I am not fully sure why ā€“ but it is clear from the AMLogic kernel that they had their sights and testing set on newer hardware. Older hardware isnā€™t regression tested as thoroughly (if at all in some cases) and I suspect now that there is a bug that only affects the older HDMI PHY implementations.

Most AMLogic customers did not update the kernel beyond 3.14 as most vendors usually ship working software and donā€™t do many or particularly involving updates. So I suspect the number of reports regarding this issue to the SoC manufacturer directly are low.

Yes still issues with the 4K
I have a Vero 4K and a new Vero V (in different rooms obviously!).
The Vero V is fine, no CEC issues at all.
But the Vero 4K continues to cause CEC lockups & issues with itself and the other devices. Iā€™m on the latest updates.

My Vero V is in the Living Room, which is where my Vero 4K used to be, so is using the same TV & AVR that used to have the Vero 4K on it.

Thanks guys. I might try updating and hope my new setup works with it. Failing that Iā€™ll pony up and get a Vero 5 (I should anyway, Iā€™m just being a tight arse :grinning:)