HDMI-CEC seems to stop working after a couple of hours

Using a Logitech harmony universal remote. Works with all. Just in case :wink:

The situation has improved lately but it is not fixed completely. I get random CEC crashes, sometimes it lasts for couple of weeks, sometimes only days. When this occures I power cycle my Vero 4K+ and it works again. I gave up on nagging here because I see that you are trying but still no joy. I just dont know why this was never an issue before and since more than 1 year ago it cant be reliably fixed. This is the only issue that stops me from the upgrade to Vero V (and the price :slight_smile: ). I have a Vero 4K and 4K+ with Samsung QLED TVs and Samsung Soundbars.

The problem does not affect Vero V as reported here by others. The problem is essentially that AML no longer support the SoC in the Vero 4K + and focus on newer chips. We didn’t want to leave the older chips behind in Kodi version and playback capabilities so managed to port support on to the newer software from AML, but this has clearly caused issues with CEC.

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Just a little update. With the OSMC 2024 May the problem in my case is gone and all is working and I didnt get any hangs anymore. It was stable for 2-3 months. Yesterday I replaced it with a Vero V and I hope Vero V will also work flawlessly. Thanks Sam for your effort!