I’ve been running OSMC on my Raspberry Pi 3 model B rev 1.2 for over a year now.
HDMI CEC always worked out of the box on the two LG TVs I’ve ever had.
Now, after the update to Kodi 19 Matrix, CEC stopped working right away. Any idea what should I do?
Here is the output of cat ~/.kodi/userdata/guisettings.xml ~/.kodi/userdata/peripheral_data/rpi*.xml https://paste.osmc.tv/igoyasutik
Side note: dispmanx_vncserver stopped working as well even after full uninstall and reinstall, but I understand I shall ask about it on the existing VNC topic, or create a new one…
OMFG I’ve done it separately a few times since I’ve updated last week, and no difference. But now, I’ve removed the Pi, the TV AND all other peripherals connected to them from the power grid, and voila!