Headless TVHeadend Setup and Use

I have redeployed my 4k+ as a headless TV recorder/server using OSMC and TVHeadend and am hoping to gain any insights and experiance to improve/optimise such a setup…

The specifics are a Vero4k+ with an OSMC sourced USB TV Tuner connected via a StartTech powered USB hub alongside a USB2 WD 1TB HDD.

Aerial connection is direct to the houses central amplifier and distributor box for the provision of OTA UK Freeview channels and network connection is ethernet directly into the homes ISP provided router.

After a number of boot/reboots while setting up the TV tuner and TVheadend as well as setting a TVH Client up on the VeroV connected to the TV all was fully functioning although the TV pictures and recordings had varying degrees of stuttering dependant upon it being a SD (a little) or HD (lots) channel.

The key step that I found to resolve that was to disable KODI through SSH, effective for all subsequent recordings.

Now I am wondering what other optimisation is possible, but also with KODI disabled how can I manage updates and upgrades, both to OSMC but also looking to bring TVHeadend up to date with the latest stable version which I didnt see in the OSMC/KODI store when I first set up the system?

The only current issue I have identified is for recordings set on a few channels such as Sky Arts and Channel 4, SD and HD, continually failing and landing straight in TVHeadends deleted recordings view?

Any helps or hints and tips gratefully received.

The terminal command to emulate what the updater in the My OSMC add-on is running is…

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y; sudo apt-get autoremove -y

You can run that without the “-y” if you want to manually approve any additions or removals. This would update both the operating system as well as TVHeadend.

Is that external drive formatted ext4? If not, you probably want to reformat it. This would give lower CPU usage and faster transfer speed vs something like NTFS or exFAT.

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