Help LCD HD44780 Through I2C Port using the latest repo

I changed the path
but same as the problem i guess not the driver path the problem, because then why did work on old repo’s ?
i tell to LCDd configuration: where is the pat

tut: [HowTo] LCD HD44780 Through I2C Port Extender
10, Edit the LCDd configuration:

sudo nano /etc/LCDd.conf

Driver=hd44780  # ** If i remove this line, then never get it works !!!!**
blah blah....

sudo cp /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/lcdproc/

(BTW i did built a lot of media center with OSMC_TGT_rbp2_20160306.img and above… and LCD woked fine, without problem)

UI: it not suspicious only get works if i do a reset ? means when restart lcdproc ? doesn’t matter the path home/ or usr/