Help me!

Hello, i have Raspberry pi zero w and i want to install OSMC on my sd card, but i cant bcs i have problem :confused: its my logs: Restoring backup to “SDHC Card” (F:)… 0%failed
Error: Could not lock the volume!
Code : 5 - Odmowa dost pt. 22. gru 14:01:29 2017 Messages: stderr: What i can do it ? please help me :c i cant write more logs bcs i’am new user :c

I don’t recognise that message. You should be using the Windows installer and a new or clean SD card. Download - OSMC

i used for this my old SD card from my mobile phone. I downloaded this file but and i save it on my sd card (i used win32 Disk imager) and when i go to my TV and i connected all wires i had … nothing black screen and inscription “Check if there are well connected cables”

You need to download the Windows installer from the download page and install it on your Windows computer. Then run it in Windows and follow the prompts (English only :frowning: )


Is that a freshly downloaded installer? It might be worth pulling down a fresh copy of the installer and may even be worth running this as an administrator to see if that helps.

Could it be as simple as your SD reader is broken?

its new installator :confused:

Try formatting the card first with the SD Association formatter.

ok i will try.

OMG GUYS im idiot haha i was copy my osmc installator on my sd card and i install … now i installed my osmc without osmc installer in my sd card and is good :smiley: thx guys for help.