I have some videos on a Win8.1 machine and want to add that source to OSMC which is running on a PI3.
So I tried to do the following steps:
Share the directory on Win8.1 for read access to everybody
Then I tried to open a new video source via SMB. I can see the Win8.1 machine, but no share on it
If I try to open the machine an error is fired: “operation not permitted”
The users on the pi and the Win8.1 are different. Does this matter?
What am I doing wrong?
You would need to create a user to access the share. Guest mode is not supported.
Thanks for your comment.
Where (PI / Win) do I need to create what user?
You need on the Win machine a user (either new or existing) that you allow to access the share and then you use that user/password when connecting from Pi
So I created an account under windows for the PI user (PI_USER) with same credentials as on the PI (username PI_USER and pwd PI_USER_PWD).
But unfortunately still the same behaviour and error message.
Is it required to wait for a certain time or do other stuff?
Can I check anything on the PI commandline?
Install smbclient sudo apt-get install smbclient
and then execute smbclient with smbclient -U <your user name> -L //<IP of the Win8>
also suggest you read up on this wiki
Whether you already have a media sharing system on your network or are setting one up for the first time the options can be bewildering. To stream high-quality video you will want the fastest possible connections. Unfortunately, the easiest systems to set up are also the least efficient so some effort is needed to get the best performance. Here are some recommendations.
This assumes you have already set up the wired or wireless LAN connections between the server where you store your media an…
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Thank you. The problem is solved:
Step 1 was the missing SMB client
Step 2 was the SMB version (must be V1)
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