[HELP NEEDED] Translating OSMC in to other languages

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Hi Tor,

Please see PM.
I’ll remove your screenshot as it has a confidential token

It does not contain the entire number.

True… I’ve reinstated it :slight_smile:

Try adding HTTPS to the URL – WebLate seems confused and doesn’t realise we serve it over HTTPS. I’ll see if I can fix that shortly.

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This should be fixed now.



My partner is a native Italian speaker. She says she’d be happy to lend a hand, but stresses that she’s a very non-technical person, and may not be sufficiently familiar with technical/jargon vocabulary…

Wow, good work!

Thank you :slight_smile:

It is a good starting point (I would say 98% good). Some alignments and improvements will be done when we see this in the real world.

Planning to add more parts to be translated ?

A suggestion is to look at the OSMC skin in English (using the Vero 4K+ as an example). This way she will have some context to the strings to be translated.

Yes – once the skin is translated well, we can translate My OSMC, the OSMC installers etc…

That’s not an issue. As the skinner, I’m looking into WebLate every now and then (responsible for the German translation myself) and I’ll reply to comments and questions regarding what a word or sentence could mean…


I can help with greek language in my spare time

I’ve sent you an invite.

Can I ask where ? Because I can’t find it. (I also checked the email registered to this osmc account )

It was sent to your GMail account.

I found it and created an account , how do I translate now? Thanks for your time, I am looking forward to your response

You can start with the Greek language here.

Thanks, I started but one question , I saw that there are several words that have different meanings in greek, where can I see some examples of where each word is used so I can make proper translation? Thank you again

There is a comment option to ask questions.

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