Then you need that in your exports file
OK I can do that. I had been trying to use the whole subnet which starts at 128/25 ie this the the address of the subnet. My thinking was that the Vero, being on dhcp could have any of the available addresses in the subnet. I have changed the settings in the NAS to the specific address presently leased to the Vero. It is very unlikely this will change so perhaps I overthought the issue. Will try it again now.
You are right that would cover it, but then I am confused why you wrote that they are in 2 different subnets?
When the device was first plugged in before I ran into this problem it was to another subnet, not my private subnet, and was being used for other purposes too.
On the NAS I had included the export of both subnets and also an address for a specific machine which has a static IP on my private subnet. Both of the relevant subnets are used all the time but because I had a problem and am trying to eliminate unwanted complications I plugged the Vero into an available port on my switch which I then configured for my private subnet, which is where it remains.
This is what I have now in my exports:-
[~] # cat /etc/exports
"/share/MD0_DATA/Public" *(rw,async,no_subtree_check,insecure,no_root_squash)
[~] #
I have now tried ALL_SQUASH with the UID osmc which afaik is the root login for the Vero and this does work, albeit the least secure configuration and this is what I have in my exports after making this change:-
[~] # cat /etc/exports
"/share/MD0_DATA/Public" *(rw,async,no_subtree_check,insecure,no_root_squash)
[~] #
I have taken up far too much of your time already and I shall close this thread because I now have a solution, for which many thanks.
Yeah, actually I was earlier about to suggest to switch from NFS to SMB as it might be easier, but if you have a working solution good enough