HifiBerry Am+ setup in OSMC

How do I setup HifiBerry Amp+ in My OSMC soundcard overlay in Hardware Support menu?
There is only an option for digi-overlay, dacplus-overlay and dac-overlay but nothing for hifiberry-amp±overlay?? Am new to this so any help would be greatly appreciated.

use the same config as Highberry Amp is basicly the same config

Thank you, will try that.

Hi I have set soundcard overlay to hifiberry-dac-overlay in hardware support menu. Than in System , audio output i select Alsa:Defalt(snd_rpi_hifiberry_dac Analog) than reboot raspberry pi but still no sound out from the speakers attached. Am i still missing or doing something wrong??

Have you tried the “hifiberry-dacplus-overlay” in PiConfig?

Hi , yes I have tried them all.

Did you checked the volume?
Also with alsamixer?

Yes volume full up. I dont have alsamixer . I am using Kodi OSMC