High CPU Temps, Vero 4K Turned Off Multiple Time

My Vero 4K CPU is currently at 162 Degrees fahrenheit, yesterday it hit around over 200 and my box turned off. I ended up unplugging the device for the night. What should I do?

Any special conditions? Locked in an oven :slight_smile:
Which skin are you using? Some are quite demanding? When you login with SSH and run top, which process(es) are using much CPU?

Running the latest update?

200F is 90C which is in the acceptable range.
If you’re using WiFi, make sure you’re on the latest version of OSMC. This will drop your temperatures significantly




I would update as Sam has advised.

dhd_dpc with high cpu usage was issue reported, with previous update; July’s I think.

Thanks Tom.

im on the latest august update

Please go to My OSMC -> Logs and post a set of logs so we can check this.
My OSMC should show your version as 2018.08-2 in the bottom left corner.

yup, thats the version im on.

here’s the log.
