Hoping for some Linux help with my Vero4K

Looks like post 7 has the most up to date instructions:
[Obsolete] How to populate EPG data with zap2xml - #7 by wbeard52

I don’t understand how to install this. According to the readme…

  1. Install the zap2epg addon in Kodi
  2. Run the addon and setup your lineup
  3. Configure your channel list (add channels to be downloaded)
  4. You can run the program from the addon as a test - not necessary
  5. Setup the zap2epg grabber in tvheadend
  6. Enjoy your new EPG!

I’m sure instruction 1 is to manually copy some or all of the files to my Vero using Putty or WinSCP, but I don’t know where to put them. If I go to my TV and look at available addons from within Kodi (not remotely through an terminal emulator) , there is no zap2*anything* to install.

This is what is in the zap2epg zip file:
