How can I play videos faster with sound?


I’d like to have the same function as on YT, i.e. play videos more quickly (x1,5 x1,7…) but with sound.

Is this possible ?

Unfortunately this isn’t possible currently.

Ok, thanks :slight_smile:

huh? enable Settings/Player/Videos#Sync playback to display and it’s possible to use audio up to 1,5x video speed.

@Chillbo even made the controls in the skin except he didn’t ‘optimize’ the Player.IsTempo part in /usr/share/kodi/addons/skin.osmc/xml/DialogSeekBar.xml into Player.IsTempo + !System.IdleTime(2) to make it super awesome hint hint :wink: :wink:

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Will adjust this for the v21 skin. As we don’t use Sync playback to display on our Vero platform, it never occured to me this might be a neat addition. :+1:t2:

i try this !