How do I mount Windows network shares in OSMC?

New user here and total noob on the OSMC platform.

Had a Raspberry Pi with XBMC, it worked great. Until it stopped working :smile:

Now I have a Raspberry Pi B+ with OSMC. I’m trying to add Windows network shares that used to work in XBMC but whenever I select Browse>Network File system (NFS) in OSMC it thinks for a second or two and then nothing.

Explain it to me as if I were a five year old - how do I add allready shared folders from a network connected Windows 7x64 computer? I have tried the Raspberry both on cable and wifi but still the same. In XBMC I could just browse through all the units on the network.

The Windows share is rachable from several other devices such as my Xbox, Flex media player on iPad, my Smart TV, other PCs on the network (both wired and wifi) etc. so the share works just fine.

Sorry if this is a stupid question. I tried to search the forums and google it but I just ended up with like a millon files needing editing and thought it should be as easy in OSMC as in XBMC.

To use browsing of Windows shares you would need to enable SMB1 protocol which was disable for security reasons. To do so go to Settings → Services → Samba Client → Max Protocol.

You might also wanna read this wiki


An added point:
For ‘standard’ Windows shares you would Browse for Windows network (SMB) not NFS - in which case the adjustment for SMB will probably be needed.
The NFS browse is for other types of share

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Thanks, overlooked that.