How do I share a folder from OSMC (RPi) mounted drive to read write file from Windows laptop

How do I share a folder from OSMC (RPi) mounted drive to read write file from Windows laptop in the same wireless network?

I know it’s discussed on this forum, but I am not an advanced user and not experienced with Linux commands … so an idiot-proof step by step process would really help me (and perhaps other inexperienced users like me)

Just install samba server from the App Store and your OSMC device will be reachable from Windows. Depending on your windows version you either can browse for the OSMC device or you would directly need to enter its IP \\<IP OF OSMC DEVICE>\

Or read the bottom part of this wiki

If anyone stumbles across this post and wants to know how to share USB-attached media via NFS (rather than Samba), then I blogged about it here;

I think that the wiki I linked above is a better source as it also suggest to mount the usb drive permanently.

Of course that won’t work with a Windows Home client. I haven’t come across the crossmnt option before and have never needed it.

Thank you for your replies. Really appreciate your help.

Without installing anything on OSMC, I can already see OSMC on my network from my laptop.
And only two folders are in it, not the mounted hard disk (pls see the screenshot below).
How do I access the entire hard disk or at least one shared folder with read write access?


You are looking at the library through UPnP. If that’s all you want, fine, but you will need the SMB server to access files which aren’t media scanned into the library.

And I don’t think you can write files with UPnP.

:grimacing: sorry for my stupidity… I still don’t have any idea what UPnP is but managed do access the files using fzinken’s reply above :slight_smile:

I installed SMB server from MyOSMC - still the files were not showing up in network locations. But when I put the \\ in the Windows explorer address bar - the folders and files came up (after putting the OSMC user name and password). And now it’s working fine.

Thanks a lot once again!

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