How Do Install N64 Emulator?

Hardware Vero V
Logs :
My Error : 2025-01-04 14:03:56.000 T:15057 error : CAddonInfoBuilder::ParseXML: addon.xml from ‘game.libretro.mupen64plus’ for binary type ‘kodi.gameclient’ doesn’t contain library and addon becomes ignored

My attempts have failed and I need some guidance to the process.

Thanks in advance

How did you try and install it?

I tried these two from zip.

I got a little further. I installed GitHub - hissingshark/retrOSMCmk2: RetroPie installer for OSMC on the RPi, Vero4k/4K+ and the VeroV

I got as far as to install the launcher. The launcher fails so here I am.

Here is my log.

During the installation I received the following error : sudo: submodule/RetroPie-Setup/ command not found

Not sure how important that is.

From the logs it looks like this is my issue :

2025-01-05 11:22:10.484 T:3126 info : retrOSMCmk2 Launcher: “/home/osmc/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/script.launch.retropie/data.xml” missing or corrupt on this run
2025-01-05 11:22:10.650 T:3126 error : EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<–
Error Type: <class ‘ValueError’>
Error Contents: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ‘dump’
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/osmc/.kodi/addons/script.launch.retropie/”, line 391, in
slots_master = int(labels_master.pop(0))
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ‘dump’
–>End of Python script error report<–

The ZIP is built for macOS ARM64 platform so won’t work on OSMC.

Maybe by now too many different tries have led to an issue, would suggest to try a clean install

How do I got about a clean install?

See Reinstalling OSMC - Vero V - OSMC.
This shouldn’t take more than five minutes. If you need some further help let us know


sam_nazarko, hope all is well. I downloaded OSMC_TGT_vero5_20241104.img.gz and placed it on my micro SDXC card rebooted and did not get the installation process to start. The file is on the top level directory of the micro SDXC. I then tried the same thing with a usb stick. The system just booted regularly.

I could do something like this from the micro SDXC card right?

OSMC_TGT_vero5_20241104.img.gz -O- | gunzip -c | sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1M conv=fdatasync


Doing this will brick your device.

You need to image the micro SD card properly. If you are not sure how to do this, use the Mac / Windows / Linux installers from Download - OSMC and see Reinstalling OSMC - Vero V - OSMC. Alternatively you can dd the image to the SD card or USB itself.

Reinstallation steps

Ensure that you have backed up any data before proceeding. My OSMC allows you to back up your user data to external media.

  • I copied all the contents of /home/osmc/.kodi to the micrSD that I placed within the Vero V memory slot.

Go to the Download page and download the installer for your computer.

Select the latest Vero V image in the installer, and insert an SD card or USB stick

  • It is on both.

With the Vero V powered off, insert the SD card or USB stick in to your device.

  • They are both installed. I tried one and then the other. The outcome was the same.

Power the Vero V and you will see the installation on screen

  • This never happens. I tried rebooting three times and two shutdown restarts.

Wait a few minutes for this to complete, and then follow the on screen setup instructions. It is now safe to remove the SD card or USB stick.

This works and thanks. I dd the disk image to the usb thumb drive and rebooted. After rebooting it started the reinstallation process.

dd if=OSMC_TGT_vero5_20241104.img of=/dev/sda bs=1M status=progress

Now I have a clean install I got a little further. This is my current issue. It starts but fails and exits. This is my logs file.

This is not the installer
The installer runs on your computer.

If you download an image directly you must dd it to your installation media.

Please re-read the links I have provided.

If you’ve got everything reinstalled now that’s great. How are you trying to install the emulator?

Good day Sam, thanks for your help so far. I got the OS reinstalled. I had to duplicate the image to the USB stick for the hardware the bootup and detect the boot sector of the USB stick and start the instalation.

The following source is how I am trying to install the emulator.

I followed the instructions and this is where I am stuck currently.

There is no boot sector that is read. You can just use the installer on your system which takes care of imaging.

Interesting and thanks for explaining. I am not aware of the boot procedure for this hardware. This is something I would like to learn.

Any insights into the RetroPie installer?

This is after a clean install so not sure how or why the files would be corrupt or missing.

2025-01-10 18:59:52.137 T:5307 info : retrOSMCmk2 Launcher: “/home/osmc/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/script.launch.retropie/data.xml” missing or corrupt on this run
2025-01-10 18:59:52.137 T:5307 info : retrOSMCmk2 Launcher: “/home/osmc/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/script.launch.retropie/settings.xml” missing or corrupt on this run
2025-01-10 18:59:54.175 T:5222 info : Loading skin file: DialogAddonSettings.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY