How I can disable a mouse move action

I want to use an air mouse remote without mouse move actions. But if I try to disable mouse and touchscreen in settings - button “ok” don’t work. It’s possible to disable mouse move actions correctly or remap mouse buttons? The “keymap editor” addon can’t recognize “ok” button.

Sounds specific to the remote you’re using. Debug logs may give some clues but not sure how much we will be able to advise here


So you are saying when you disable “mouse and touchscreen” in settings the OK button on the remote is not recognized anymore? If so I suggest to enable debug logging and then disable the “mouse and touchscreen” setting and then check if the log file is recording anything when you press the OK button.

Enable the mouse in settings then ssh into your machine and type in…

nano ~/.kodi/userdata/keymaps/mouse.xml

Then copy/paste in the following…


Then click ctrl+x then y and then enter which will save the file and bring you back to the terminal. Once you reboot it the mouse movements should be disabled.

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Done, mouse move action was disabled by xml in “/.kodi/userdata/keymaps/”, but when I try to use “ok” button for menu item - I see an mouse pointer in other part of screen for a couple of seconds and I can’t submit selected item.

Later I found button on air mouse that disable mouse - it’s long click on right mouse button, so it’s fixed my problem. My air mouse name is “W-Shark 505”.

Thanks a lot

That means that your “ok” button is sending a left mouse click and you just have to replace the keymap for that to the function you want…
