My Pi’s samba shares that show up in the Finder (Mac here) are displayed as: “Samba Shares on OSMC” (OSMC is my hostname), like this: Dropbox - File Deleted
I want to change that. I managed to do it once, by ssh’ing into my Pi and editing some file, but that was a month ago. I’ve sinced switched to a newer Pi, and for the life of me can’t remember which file it was. I only remember it contained a string like “Samba Shares on %”, or something like that, where % was a placeholder for the hostname, which was pulled automatically.
If anyone knows anything, please let me know, because it drives me crazy :). That name is ugly and too long for the Finder, I would like it to show up as “OSMC Shares” or something similar.
P.S. It’s not in /etc/samba/smb.conf (or I’m blind, because I’ve scanned it about gazillion times already).
Even better! Thought it’ll get overwritten on every OSMC update :).
@sam_nazarko By the way, is there a way to revert back to previous version’s skin? Estuary is really nice (I especially like improved typography and spacing), but I also really liked having a flat color/slight gradient as a background, instead of a wallpaper :).
removing just the x-systemd-automount, noauto didn’t do it
uncommenting the whole /dev/mmcblk0p1 /boot vfat defaults,noatime,noauto,x-systemd.automount 0 0 line didn’t do it either, and introduced something new: now a new folder shows up as a share, called F0EB-DAA4
Ok. I’ll make a fresh install of the newest OSMC + install Samba to see if boot gets mounted, because now I can’t quite remember if that was a problem from the very beginning or showed up later, after some tweaking with various things on my part.
[15:17] < bonelifer>Roziek: in /etc/samba/smb.conf add this line to the
OSMC share block:
[15:17] < bonelifer>veto files = /boot/
[15:18] < bonelifer>then restart samba
[16:16] < Roziek>@bonelifer, thanks, vetoing /boot did the job;
Issue resolve with the help of a user on IRC. Thanks @bonelifer.
P.S. Would be great to know, though, if /boot showing up as a share by default in the newset version of OSMC is intentional or not (because I could swear it was not showing up when I was still on 2016-12.1).
Had to reboot my Pi and now /boot is showing up again ;x. Not sure what happened there.
To be clear, veto files = /boot/ is still there in /etc/samba/smb.conf, I rebooted both samba and the Pi several times - but no luck, /boot keeps showing up as a share.
If I comment that whole template out, the boot folder is not showing up as a samba share. But then, of course, nor do any external drives connected to the Pi via USB.
I tried veto files = /boot/ within the [automount template], but it doesn’t work.
Any ideas how to solve this?
P.S. As for this moment, my solution is to comment out [automount template] and add my external USB drive as a separate share. It works, but it’s not a great solution; it won’t show any other external USB drives automatically, should they be connected to the Pi, I would have to create a share for each.