How to connect to the hidden wifi?

Hello All,

I’m new to this forum, so, please, excuse me if this is already discussed somewhere in this forum - I couldn’t find anything…


  • Raspberry Pi 2;
  • OSMC installed (yesterday) form Windows Installer from osmc site;
  • Wifi USB adapter TP-Link (TL-WN725N ver. 2);
  • Power adapter is Raspberry for 2 A;
  • Home WiFi is hidden SSID on 2.4 and 5 Mhz with WPA2-PSK (passphrase);
  • Entered WiFi connection during SD installation (not manual);
  • Turned on Pi (no Ethernet connected) - no WiFi connection;
  • Enabled SSID broadcast in router (re-started) - no WiFi connection;
  • Tried to setup WiFi via UI - see my SSID, tried to connect - connection error;
  • Turned to SSH;
  • Did the following as suggested in found topics:

osmc@osmc:~$ connmanctl
connmanctl> services
*AO Wired                ethernet_b827eb2ee8b5_cable
    CenturyLink5867      wifi_e894f612c975_43656e747572794c696e6b35383637_managed_psk
    NETGEAR96            wifi_e894f612c975_4e4554474541523936_managed_psk
    SKNetwork            wifi_e894f612c975_534b4e6574776f726b_managed_psk
    trungnguyen          wifi_e894f612c975_7472756e676e677579656e_managed_wep
    xfinitywifi          wifi_e894f612c975_7866696e69747977696669_managed_none
connmanctl> scan wifi
Scan completed for wifi
connmanctl> technologies
  Name = WiFi
  Type = wifi
  Powered = True
  Connected = False
  Tethering = False
  Name = Wired
  Type = ethernet
  Powered = True
  Connected = True
  Tethering = False
connmanctl> services
*AO Wired                ethernet_b827eb2ee8b5_cable
    CenturyLink5867      wifi_e894f612c975_43656e747572794c696e6b35383637_managed_psk
    GreenBear-guest      wifi_e894f612c975_477265656e426561722d6775657374_managed_none
    HOME-DC82            wifi_e894f612c975_484f4d452d44433832_managed_psk
    McWifi               wifi_e894f612c975_4d6357696669_managed_psk
    NETGEAR96            wifi_e894f612c975_4e4554474541523936_managed_psk
    SKNetwork            wifi_e894f612c975_534b4e6574776f726b_managed_psk
    trungnguyen          wifi_e894f612c975_7472756e676e677579656e_managed_wep
    xfinitywifi          wifi_e894f612c975_7866696e69747977696669_managed_none
connmanctl> agent on
Agent registered
connmanctl> connect wifi_e894f612c975_hidden_managed_psk
Agent RequestInput wifi_e894f612c975_hidden_managed_psk
  Name = [ Type=string, Requirement=mandatory, Alternates=[ SSID ] ]
  SSID = [ Type=ssid, Requirement=alternate ]
  Passphrase = [ Type=psk, Requirement=mandatory ]
Hidden SSID name? MySSID
Passphrase? MyPassphrase
Error /net/connman/service/wifi_e894f612c975_hidden_managed_psk: Input/output error

What should I do next?
Should I install the driver for USB dongle manually (as you can see I didn’t do anything about that, relying on the default one on OSMC)?

Thank you,

Hello again,

I was wrong when said that even when SSID is broadcasting I cannot connect to WiFi.
I’ve tried it again and I CAN connect.

But, when I hide SSID - connection is lost…
can I at all connect to non-broadcasting SSID?

Thank you,

Posting here because my setup is pretty similar. Except I started with a fresh Krypton image. It is not possible to connect to a network with hidden SSID.

According to this guide it should be pretty straightforward. The problem is that the SSID is never being requested, connman and the GUI from within MyOSMC always prompt only for the password.

Connections are possible on visible networks.

Are there any known issues with RTL8191S WLAN adapters?

Can u add support for hidden wifi pls, thanks. This cant be so complicated. It is working actually aslong i click on connect on the saved network. (RP3B) that would be great

I have deleted your duplicate requests in the other threads. It is enough to mention your request once.

There are no security improvements of having a hidden WiFi network.

This might be something we can support in the future.


Y but sometimes u cant change the wifi settings or you have to work with a hidden ssid

Understood. Unfortunately we don’t have a solution for this presently that doesn’t involve using the command line.