[HOW-TO] Install NZBGet on Raspberry Pi

First SSH into osmc

Now we’ll download the and install the NZBGet to /opt.
To do this we’ll need to make a directory then change the permissions so as that the default user osmc has access to it.
sudo mkdir /opt/nzbget && sudo chown -R osmc:osmc /opt/nzbget

Download the run script to /tmp using wget with the -P flag to determine the destination directory
wget https://nzbget.net/download/nzbget-latest-bin-linux.run -P /tmp

Make the script executable
chmod +x /tmp/nzbget-latest-bin-linux.run

Now run script to install
sh /tmp/nzbget-latest-bin-linux.run --destdir /opt/nzbget

You should see something similar to this;

Installer for nzbget-19.1
Verifying package...
Checking system...
CPU-Architecture: armhf
  Free memory detected: 549 MB
  Activating article cache (ArticleCache=100)
  Increasing write buffer (WriteBuffer=1024)
  Increasing par repair buffer (ParBuffer=100)
  CPU speed detected: 356 BogoMIPS
  Disabling download during par check/repair (ParPauseQueue=yes)
  Disabling download during unpack (UnpackPauseQueue=yes)
  Disabling download during post-processing (ScriptPauseQueue=yes)
Installation completed

Quick help (from nzbget-directory):
   ./nzbget -s        - start nzbget in console mode
   ./nzbget -D        - start nzbget in daemon mode (in background)
   ./nzbget -C        - connect to background process
   ./nzbget -Q        - stop background process
   ./nzbget -h        - help screen with all commands

Successfully installed into /opt/nzbget
Web-interface is on http://localhost:6789 (login:nzbget, password:tegbzn6789)
For support please visit http://nzbget.net/forum

Now we’ll create the systemd file so we can start NZBGet now and automatically at boot/after restart

I am using vim but you can use any text editor you like (e.g. nano)

sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/nzbget.service


ExecStart=/opt/nzbget/nzbget -c /opt/nzbget/nzbget.conf -D
ExecStop=/opt/nzbget/nzbget -Q
ExecReload=/opt/nzbget/nzbget -O


*N.B I have used RequiresMountsFor=/mnt in the [Unit] section as I have my external USB drive mounted there and only want NZBGet to start AFTER the drive has been mounted. You can change or omit this as required.

Enable the service (this will also make it persistent at boot)
sudo systemctl enable nzbget
You should see this;
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/nzbget.service → /etc/systemd/system/nzbget.service.

Now start the service
sudo systemctl start nzbget

Check it’s working
sudo systemctl status nzbget
You should see output like;

● nzbget.service - NZBGet
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/nzbget.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Sat 2018-03-17 16:20:09 GMT; 44s ago
  Process: 2769 ExecStart=/opt/nzbget/nzbget -c /opt/nzbget/nzbget.conf -D (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 2770 (nzbget)
   CGroup: /system.slice/nzbget.service
           └─2770 /opt/nzbget/nzbget -c /opt/nzbget/nzbget.conf -D

Mar 17 16:20:09 osmc systemd[1]: Starting NZBGet...
Mar 17 16:20:09 osmc systemd[1]: Started NZBGet.

Now open a browser and go to the OSMC IP with 6789 appended

To login you’ll need
Username - nzbget
Password - tegbzn6789


Thanks for the very clear tutorial which allowed me to install without issue. The only thing is it won’t autostart so I have to run the service each time. My log is here :https://paste.osmc.tv/dabahidoha


{“message”:“Document not found.”}

The logs expire after a period of time. The last post was 7 months ago.

Sorry, I’ve been away :wink: