How to install Sickrage on Apple TV OSMC?


Just refreshed my OSMC installation on Apple TV first gen and everything is working with no problem.

Now I want to install Sickrage to automate download and management, any up to date tutorial to install without breaking everything?

Thanks a lot for your help
And thanks to all the developers of the fabulous OSMC

I wouldn’t recommend doing this. There aren’t enough resources on the device.


any other program that can work for my beloved Apple tv?

There is no software that can change this hard fact.

What to you suggest? Sonarr, Radarr or else?

@lucamoiana in case you didn’t get the message the old apple tv 1 cant handle too much that is. The bottom line there isnt enough cpu or ram to handle stuff like sickrage sonarr radarr for that matter since those two are more resource demanding the sickrage itself so if it cant handle sickrage ontop of kodi it cant handle much else.

clear enough ?

Crystal clear.
Sorry to bother you