How to make video name show when playback is paused?

I would like to know if it is possible to configure OSMC/Kodi to display the currently playing video name/title when:

  • I hit OK while playing (brings up the position bar and video times)
  • I pause playback

The latter function would be nice because I often pause a playback and go doing other stuff and then when I return I have forgotten which video I was playing.
If that was printed on screen would help a lot.
But I don’t know where to begin searching for such a setting or even if it exists.

You could just hit the info button on your remote.

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Well, that button is picked up by the LG TV and it displays some info on the HDMI channel like picture resolution and such…
I need to customize the keymap, what is the keyword I should set to the info key and in what context?
I have already set up the color keys for selected skips back in August…

Just use the keymap editor add-on and use edit>fullscreen video>navigation>show info

As for what key to use you are limited with using CEC and you would have to work out what keys you have available and which you want to do what. On my LG what I have available in Kodi via CEC and there keyid’s are…

Cave LG TV
up			166
down		167
left		169
right		168
select/ok	11
back		216
exit		216
stop		224
<<			221
>>			223
play		234
pause		230
red			251
green		252
yellow		253
blue		254

Note that although on the LG TV the back and exit are two different keys with two different functions they forward in Kodi as the same and thus why they have the same keyid and can’t be mapped independently.

I have checked the remote response while sitting on the Kodi home page using a special keymap file that only displays the incoming CEC code.
So I have recorded these now (from my lgtv.xml keymap file:

<!-- OK             11 -->

<!-- LIST           50 -->
<!-- up            166 -->
<!-- down          167 -->
<!-- right         168 -->
<!-- left          169 -->
<!-- back          216 -->

<!-- rewind        221 -->
<!-- fastforward   223 -->
<!-- stop          224 -->
<!-- pause         230 -->
<!-- play          234 -->
<!-- red           251 -->
<!-- green         252 -->
<!-- yellow        253 -->
<!-- blue          254 -->

<!-- No action or TV only keys: 0..9, EXIT, GUIDE, INFO, SEARCH -->

So I could add an action for FullScreenVideo to display the video info, but I do not know what action that would be…
This is what my lgtv.xml file has as active lines:

      <key id="251">Seek(-175)</key> <!-- red -->
      <key id="252">Seek(-25)</key> <!-- green -->
      <key id="253">Seek(25)</key> <!-- yellow -->
      <key id="254">Seek(175)</key> <!-- blue -->
      <key id="234">System.Exec(/home/osmc/bin/getstreamlist)</key> <!-- play -->

If I want the video name/title to be shown from a keypress, what would be the proper action and how do I remove that display after reading (maybe it can be displayed for say 5 seconds only)?


I believe the action would be “Info”

Thanks Tom.

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It does auto disappear after a while anyway

Well, I added this to my keymap:
<key id="50">Info</key> <!-- LIST -->
Then reloaded the map and tested it.
Half way working…
The info pane appears with the name of the video! :slight_smile:
But it does not go away until I stop the playback of the video… :frowning:.
Is there an extra argument I can add to the keymap line to set the time it is to be displayed? Like:
To display it for 500 ms…

If you were to use that “list” button on your remote then…

      <key id="251">Seek(-175)</key> <!-- red -->
      <key id="252">Seek(-25)</key> <!-- green -->
      <key id="253">Seek(25)</key> <!-- yellow -->
      <key id="254">Seek(175)</key> <!-- blue -->
      <key id="50">info</key>
      <key id="234">System.Exec(/home/osmc/bin/getstreamlist)</key> <!-- play -->
      <key id="50">back</key>

With that you would press it to show the info screen and just press it again to make it go away. This way leaves the button open to use for other purposes on other screens. if you wanted to make it work across the UI for bringing up information windows then it would look something like…

      <key id="50">info</key>
      <key id="251">Seek(-175)</key> <!-- red -->
      <key id="252">Seek(-25)</key> <!-- green -->
      <key id="253">Seek(25)</key> <!-- yellow -->
      <key id="254">Seek(175)</key> <!-- blue -->
      <key id="234">System.Exec(/home/osmc/bin/getstreamlist)</key> <!-- play -->
      <key id="50">back</key>
      <key id="50">back</key>
      <key id="50">back</key>
      <key id="50">back</key>
      <key id="50">back</key>
      <key id="50">back</key>

There is no way to keymap making a window disappear after a period of time. That sort of thing would have to be a skin mod and that is something you would have to take up over on the Kodi forum if you wanted to go that route.

THANKS! Worked like a charm! :slight_smile: :smiley: :heart_eyes:

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See here

Except it works only on 2 of my 3 LG TV units…
On the one not working I have tried the key evaluation keymap and it always pops up a specific TV related page when I press LIST. I.e. the keypress does not reach the Kodi box over HDMI.

Is this a known problem with LG SmartTV? It is non-working on the oldest of my LG TV’s (32"). Both of the newer 43" LG TV I have fully work for this.

I’m not sure I would quite word it as a “problem” with LG. Different TV’s, even from the same manufacturer, have variations on how the remotes and CEC work. Each TV is going to have some buttons that forward, and some that don’t and you just have to work with what you got if you want to stick with using the original remote.

You could try using the remote from one of the newer TV’s and see if that acts the same. It would not be unheard of for the TV to respond to several different codes for the same function and one may act different. I doubt this stands much of a chance of working, but it is free and easy to try.

Well, the first two LG TV:s I bought (one 32" and one 43") came with the same remote.
The last 43" one came with a newer “smart” remote, which I could not get to grips with. Too many unwanted functions intervening with my use of the TV…
So I bought a new “old” remote the same as I had for the other two units.
So all 3 of my TV:s use the same remote type, but only the oldest TV (the 32") refuses to forward the “LIST” button I selected for the function discussed in this thread.
The common property for the “working” TV:s is that they are newer and 43" rather than 32" for the non-working unit. And probably use a different firmware too…

At my summer home I have an older Philips 32" TV, which I will have to replace come summer.
The reason is that the Swedish broadcasting changed technology in October 2021 to no longer transmit in SD (MPEG2) instead everything is now using MPEG4 and thus DVB-2 receivers are needed. Not existing on the Philips TV we have…

So I will have to look especially at the CEC remote key forwarding this time…