How to turn it on?

Great device! But I can’t seem to turn it on with the remote. When the red light burns, non of the buttons make it turn blue. I can’t find a button in the player itself, so have to reconnect the power to make it go on… what am I doing wrong?

The device is meant to be always on.


Ah… so when I turn it off, what does the red LED mean?

It means the device is safe to unplug at the wall.

Is it possible to turn on the vero with the remote or an option for a future update? Sometimes i shut it down and to turn on again i have to reconnect the power supply…

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It’s a low power device intended to remain on all the time.

I also would like to turn it on with the remote. See my post here Shutdown Vero 4K via Kodi Shutdown - but how to turn on? - #10 by theoldfarter