I have a raspberry pi b+ with OSMC. I have an IR detector TSOP4838 and a remote from hauppauge pvr 350.
I followed a lot of tutorial which explain how to plug the IR detector and to use the remote.
I managed to test my hardware configuration with the command mode2 -d /dev/lirc0, and it works (I can see series of pulse and space) in SSH. But all the tutorial I saw was for XBMC!
So my hardware is working, but I am not able to know (or to find the good information) how to configure OSMC, to be able to use my remote. I tried a lot of things, but it does not work …
Do you know where I can find a tutorial from the beginning to configure my raspberry pi b+ (OSMC) with my IR detector?
There is already a hauppauge pvr 350 remote profile in OSMC - just go to My OSMC → Remotes and select it. Also make sure that GPIO IR remote is turned on in Pi configuration. (Although it must be already if mode2 is reporting pulses)
Thank you for your answer.
The problem is that I do not want to use my raspberry pi b+ with a TV, but with a computer screen. So I cannot use CEC with HDMI. I have to use an IR detector plug on GPIO connector of the raspberry pi b+.
The hardware is working (I can see series of pulse and space when I work on the raspberry from SSH connection). I just want to know how can I configure OSMC, to be able to use the remote in this interface.
I saw that there is a Hauppauge pvr 350 remote profil in OSMC, but I do not know how to use it! I do not know how to select it! Can you help me?
Can you tell me how to check if the GPIO IR remote is turned on in Pi configuration?
I am sorry, I am a beginner on this subject, so do not hesitate to give me all the informations step by step, even if you think it is logic (maybe it is not for me).
Pierre, do you have a keyboard or mouse plugged into the Pi directly to help you configure (until you have the remote set up and working)?
Other than that, are you familiar with the idea that you will probably need to create one or more files in /home/osmc/.kodi/userdata/keymaps to customise the actions of the remote?
Ok, assuming that with “don’t know how to select it” you mean “don’t know how to select it without a input device connected”, correct? (Can’t you just shortly connect a USB keyboard till you have your remote control activated?_
As you are able to SSH into the device there is most likely a way to copy a respective keymaps file into the folder.
But my lazy path would be that you install vnc [HowTo] Install a vnc server on the Raspberry pi
That would give you the ability to remotely control OSMC to activate the remote as described by DBMandrake.
Hello, and thank you for your answer.
Yes, I have a keyboard and a mouse plugged into the pi.
I followed this tutorial :
to try to configure my IR detector.
So I create a file in /home/osmc/. The name of the file is lircd.conf, and it tell the actions of all the keys of the remote (I found this specific file for my remote (hauppauge pvr 350) on Internet).
This file is given here :
begin remote
name Hauppauge_350
bits 13
eps 30
aeps 100
one 969 811
zero 969 811
plead 1097
gap 114605
toggle_bit 2
As I said, I have a keyboard and a mouse plugged into the pi.
And When I said “I don’t know how to select it”, I really don’t know ! When I try to select it, I happen nothing! I try to clic on the good remote profil in the remote menu, I tried to press “enter” on it, but nothing happen! It is strange…
@sam_nazarko, what do you mean by symlink it via ssh ? I am not familiar with this vocab, sorry …
I try to use a remote with my raspberry pi b+.
I follow this tutorial : https://learn.adafruit.com/using-an-ir-remote-with-a-raspberry-pi-media-center/lirc2
But this one was done for xbmc, and I have omsc installed on my pi.
The hardware is working (IR detector plugged into GPIO interface), I can see series of space and pulse when I use the specific command, connected to the pi with a computer in ssh.
But I cannot use my remote in the osmc interface, it does not work ! Help me please !
As you can see in the previous message, I configure a file with all the keys of my remote (HAUPPAUGE PVR 350). Do you think this file is not correct ?
Some of you said to me to select the HAUPPAUGE PVR 350 profile in the remote menu of the pi in osmc, but I do not manage to do that ! I have a keyboard plugged into the pi and a mouse, and when I clic on the remote profil, it happen nothing ! When I select the profil with the keyboard and I press ENTER or any keys, It happen nothing !
Do you think it is possible to use a remote with IR detector plugged into GPIO with osmc ? If yes help me please !! I tryed everything…