It is as good as a fast RPi 1
A bit sluggish but completely usable (at least for watching recorded TV (MP2 with codec or MP4 as broadcast) from Samba shares - which is how I use it).
Hello @Katze, not sure if this is late, I have actually tested the pi zero with osmc and didn’t really see the difference in performance compared to my pi 2(1gb Ram), im sure for most of what you want to use it for it will be very ok with no visible degradation in performance. Currently running debian wheezy on it and all seem pretty smooth.
Thanks for the replies, guys. I’m sure lots of people will be very curious to know how well OSMC preforms on the Zero once it starts to become more readily available.
I haven’t been able to find one for sale at all as of yet. Any tips on where you can find them without a huge mark-up?
I simply subscribed for the magpi magazine for 3 issues, which included the december pi zero attached. You could call them up on the website, if you could still get yours if you subscribe, the 3 issues will cost £12.99, which i dont think is really a bad idea, each cost £5.99 if bought individually and you also get the zero for free with the december edition.