[HowTo] Install Flexget (automate your whole downloading process)

Tested on OSMC 24-12-2016 and Kodi 17 beta 7 build.

Have a look at: GitHub - zilexa/autosetup-VERO4K_RPi: Automatically installs and configures a RPi device running OSMC or Debian to get a "Netflix-like" experience.
All instructions and information is present in the readme.

Note that installation can be very tricky and you need additional steps to install all extra tools for full Transmission and Subtitles support. All these commands are present in the autosetup.sh text file linked above.

Simply follow the steps from the FlexGet homepage:
But make sure you install it via virtualenv as mentioned on that page. Installing it globally could lead to issues. I quote

but on some cases you may run into issues if multiple python packages request different versions of libraries. Virtualenv does not suffer from this issue.

Afterwards, create the daemon that will autostart Flexget at boot:

Use the config.yml and series.yml file from here:

No links to external scripts are allowed.

Lots of posts link to external scripts, for example @zatarra OP in his Spotify Connect HowTo links to a similar installation .sh script, it directly links to it:

You wanted me to split the HowTo’s up, so I updated the HowTo’s the option to use the script while maintaining the manual process. If you look at the script, it is simply a total list of all How To commands and an IF tags.

Please help me understand why my post is not allowed to contain a .sh script? I am only trying to make things easier especially for noobs, so that these tools become more widely used and less questions are being asked in topics. Also, it speeds up a fresh installation massively if you don’t have to type in the commands one by one and wait for each one to finish. It is a lot easier to simply change a 1 into a 0 or vice versa to install something.

The other user’s script is hosted by Spotify though, so it’s not likely to be malicious or changed in the future. We have to be careful of self-hosted scripts where they can be changed, or where the author may not maintain them.

Why do the hacky approach and not go for something like App Store integration instead?

Yes the App Store is absolutely the way to go.
I tried that for the XBian project last yr, couldn’t figure it out. I am really good at googling stuff, copy pasting… This was purely copy pasting existing HowTo’s (written for noobs) and only googling how to get IF statements working and how to write to text files (which I still don’t understand, I just copied it and by a little bit of trial and error figured it out).

If there was a clear easy HowTo create an app, I would be able to do it for something like SyncThing, but creating an app for FlexGet is pretty complicated. the guy from Geexbox helped me, then created it himself and confessed it was a hell of a lot of work, and it only worked until Flexget updated their whole structure.

I understand the security reasons, makes a lot of sense.

Apart from the apps, if I would understand how to modify the OSMC Installation wizard, I would definitely offer my help, but I have no coding experience and no time to actually learn it. I would love to expand the installation wizard to include app selection (from the App Store) OSMC services selection and the basics of Kodi as well (setting up the library, language, subtitle plugins, some popular addons like Youtube). The vision is present, but the time and effort to learn how to code all that not unfortunately. I’m sorry about that.

OK, no problem.

There are plans to simplify the App development process.

I also agree that onboarding (tutorial) can be improved. This will all be worked on next year, so stay tuned.

Best wishes


Good news!
I have finally finalised my whole Flexget setup. It runs smoothly now and Flexget gives me basically a Netflix experience! Kodi is automatically notified of new files, all files are organised neatly for Kodi, and you never need to dive into complex matter since you use trakt.tv website to control what you like to watch.

Together with OSMC, this is an extremely girlfriend friendly experience. Even my 66 year old mother uses it now (although she has no clue what is happening on the background ofcourse).

I have updated the first post with the new links and added better manual install instructions. But especially for Flexget manual installation, I recommend having a look at the Flexget task of the autosetup.sh textfile.