[HowTo] Installing RetroPie alongside OSMC RC (the easy way)

Of course. If you copy paste the entirety of the following, which omits the first and last few lines of the script’s statement, then you can paste that into your bash prompt and it should go through successfully.

     cp /usr/share/kodi/addons/skin.osmc/shortcuts/mainmenu.DATA.xml /home/osmc/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/script.skinshortcuts/mainmenu.DATA.xml
           sudo chown osmc:osmc /home/osmc/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/script.skinshortcuts/mainmenu.DATA.xml

CONTENT='        <shortcut>\
                <defaultID />\
                <label2>Custom Shortcut</label2>\
                <thumb />\

sed -i.bak '/<\/shortcuts>/i\'"$CONTENT" /home/osmc/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/script.skinshortcuts/mainmenu.DATA.xml 

You can then confirm that it worked by running:

grep retropie.sh /home/osmc/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/script.skinshortcuts/mainmenu.DATA.xml

Your output should be a single line response. If you see nothing, something went wrong.

I wasn’t too familiar with the OSMC skin when I started slugging through the scripts, so if that was a prerequisite it wasn’t clear or I didn’t know to do it. At any rate I’ve got what I need now - thanks again! :smile:

Now I’m off to configuring emulation station to use the correct emulators… mmph.

This might be a dumb question but how do you reorder controllers?
My usb-snes-gamepads seems to work fine in the gui but when I try to play any game it seems to default to my media remote (an F10-Pro with a full keyboard), I guess it’s seen as retropie as player 1, is it possible to reorder gamepads? Or even disable the remote completely in retropie?

Thanks for a great script, the installation seems to have reset my home menu settings though (probably the shortcut adding part :wink: )

Try to remove all controller configs, then connect only the usb gamepad and configure it in emulationstation. Then reconnect the other controller and don’t configure it.
Could work :wink:

I should check if the file exists already for the custom menu not only if RetroPie is there…

Would this have to be done every time?
I can’t navigate osmc with the game pad so I’ve tried removing the receiver for the remote while starting retro pie but that just ended up with retro pie not finding the remote or the game pad.

Will try removing it, rebooting the pi and then launching retro pie from the Kodi app instead

Thank you, very kind. Bizarrely I couldn’t find where to do it in the gui, but your code worked perfectly!

I did have the Aeon Nox skin loaded initially when installing the retrosmc script, perhaps this is why the ‘create menu shortcut’ option didn’t work for me? (I should say that I switched back to default OSMC skin before executing this script via ssh)

Anyway all good now, now to make emustation work with my xbox wireless pad :slight_smile:

Think the skin has to support skin.shortcuts in order for it to work, any of the older skins isn’t probably any good to do the initial install on

hmm so this is really strange. I’ve removed the other controller both physically and from the config file /home/osmc/.emulationstation/es_input.cfg.

While in the ES GUI the usb snes gamepad works fine. But in every game I get this consistent weird behaviour: Directional buttons do not work at all. A & B buttons work fine. Y button, and left and right triggers seemingly do nothing (might be the games though). The X button seems to trigger a sort of mix between right and down (so if I press and hold X and then repeatedly press A I’m able to move sort of in side scrolling platformers). So there seems to be some sort of difference in how emulation station handles the controls and how RetroArch handles them.

Any ideas on how to solve this?

I tried running the /opt/retropie/supplementary/emulationstation/scripts/inputconfiguration.sh but I just get an error msg

This could be caused by a conflict between controller configuration files.
Try to delete all controller configfiles in /opt/retropie/emulators/RetroArch/configs.
Then reconfigure the controller in emulationstation and a new file should be created there.

I had a problem like this with a cheap chinese snes pad knockoff. It loaded two config files at once because it didn’t care how many underscores the filename had.

Coincidentally that’s exactly what I’m using!

After deleting those files however, I’m unable to do anything in the emulators, I can’t even get back to the menu. Maybe I should try just keeping one snes config file and see if that works.

Have you reconfigured the pad in emulationstation after deleting the files?
This will also create a new config for retroarch.

updated my project for retrosmc with more added peripherals for wiimotes along with Kodi notifications on launch and on installation.


I managed to install retrosmc alpha 0.001 at OSMC June, does not me but no USB joypad, I tested two types. I get over the initial screen and I can not set or quit the emulator. Any advice?

Yup I reconfigured it in ES, haven’t checked if a new file was created for retro arch, will check tonight

what type of joypad and did u check so that it loaded proper either bluetooth or usb kinda hard to help when you dont give enough info

“lsusb” for usb
“hcitool con” for bluetooth

1x no name USB Joypad and 1xPS3 joypad connected to USB.
After starting Retropie cease to function and HDMI-CEC, does not work connected gamepad.
Not even offer me no option to configure the gamepad. It remains to hang on the main screen and nothing can be done, either turn off or return to KODI. Is there any way SSH to set up or check gamepad?

lsusb see if it loads in system easier to go from there

OK, I’ll try it, thank you so far.

Could be that some stuff regarding gamepads espevially ps3 etc. Is not in the system from the start or not loaded.

This is weird, no config file created in /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/configs after reconfiguring in emulation station. Tried a couple of times with the same result