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[HowTo] Netflix
Vero2 (Successful [Internal]) - release imminent
1 - Use the Vero2 which easily boots into an Android OS. This provides GPU accelerated playback via your favorite Netflix Playstore App.
Vero1/RPI2/RPI3 Streaming (Successful)
1 - [HOWTO] Streaming Netflix, Hulu etc to OSMC with PlayOn
2 - [HowTo] Moonlight-Embedded (former Limelight) using Luna Launcher
Install the Netflix launcher on your Windows Steam host once setup
Dual Boot NOOBs into
1 – Ubuntu-Mate OS (Untested, Likely UnSuccessful)
Note that Chrome Browser now only support 64 bit (Non-ARM)
Playback is Not GPU accelerated, framerate if possible expected to be very poor
Sam has mentioned the full Vero2 android os release being soon. Vero1 has, I believe, a separate SD image. Just give it a little bit.
Edit: no insider knowledge here, just hoping to point others searching to the appropriate places and minimize the ‘why no Netflix’ questions. @Toast has 2 excellent guides linked above that can be used to have Netflix on the Vero 2 using a host PC while we await the v2 public android image