[HowTo] RetroPie and OSMC: Retrosmc - Retrogaming on OSMC

Thank you for your work on this and the reply. I think my problem was that I’m not familiar with ES, so probably clicked the wrong thing. I’ll need to have a hunt around next time and find the right thing to click.

For clarity, when I quit ES I need to restart kodi from the command line? When I choose to quit ES I just get left with a black screen with a cursor. If I ssh in I can start kodi again.

Then something else is wrong here.
How do you start emulationstation?
Do not start it by typing emulationstation in ssh.
Start it with the kodi launcher addon or with the /home/osmc/RetroPir/scripts/retropie.sh script.
Try to run the install-retrosmc.sh script again and choose update scripts. Then install the launcher addon and start emulationstation from it from the programs menu in osmc.

I start via the Programs -> Retropie launcher icon. I don’t start it in ssh.
When I exit it ES quits but the pi never returns to Kodi.


Did you try my second suggestion?

Seems like the watchdog script is not executed when the retropie script runs.

Another person reported a similar problem… It works on my end though. Maybe there are changes to RetroPie, that prevent the switching. Have to update my retropie installation to get an insight.

Anybody else having problems with switching back to kodi?
Are there any error messages maybe in es log?

When installing I followed the instructions above. I’ll try running the update today and let you know how it goes.


I don’t know if it is only me, but there still seems to be problem with sdl1 package during instalation Retrosmc. I had to do a “trick” mentioned many posts before with compiling from sources. It was few days before.
Unfortunately still had some problems with running some of the available emulators, like PSP or even SNES.
I couldn’t run PSP at all (it kept co getting back to ES), while in SNES I had problems either with speed or sound (It wasn’t smooth at all).
While on RetroPie distribution everything was silky smooth. I’ve spent an hour or so playing Flow from PSP using PS3 controller.

I’ve encountered few other issues as well

  1. amixer set PCM 100 command doesn’t work for me. I got the following message 'amixer: Unable to find simple control ‘PCM’,0"
    under amixer command I have
    Simple mixer control ‘Master’,0
    Capabilities: pvolume pswitch pswitch-joined
    Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
    Limits: Playback 0 - 65536
    Front Left: Playback 1107 [2%] [on]
    Front Right: Playback 1107 [2%] [on]
    Simple mixer control ‘Capture’,0
    Capabilities: cvolume cswitch cswitch-joined
    Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
    Limits: Capture 0 - 65536
    Front Left: Capture 65536 [100%] [on]
    Front Right: Capture 65536 [100%] [on]

  2. As stated earlier I have no sound. Maybe this is caused by the above issue. In es_log.txt file I’ve found i.e. below lines
    lvl2: req sound [basic.launch]
    lvl2: (missing)

  3. When quitting ES or switch from retroarch back to ES for a couple of seconds I can see on the screen many lines about some isue/error with ALSA lib…

  4. I’m not able to run ES for the second time. In es_log I have
    lvl2: EmulationStation - v2.0.1a, built Oct 10 2015 - 03:00:02
    lvl2: Creating surface…
    lvl0: Error initializing SDL!

lvl0: Renderer failed to initialize!
lvl0: Window failed to initialize!

Sounds like regression in the RetroPie sources. I’ll have a look.

@mcobit I had to add /usr/local/sbin:/sbin to path to upgrade retropie without an error. The ps3 gamepad installation needs this modification as well.

After choosing “install retrosmc” it never goes to “binary based installation” menu.
After 15 sec of installing comes popup finished. Also choosed update script and installed again. When i choose retropie form osmc menu list, it shows black screen for 3 seconds and returns to osmc.

Hi all,

I am really stumped on how to get my Logitech F310 working.

The device shows as an input device. I run jstest /dev/input/js0 and it comes back with the relevant information about the device.

It works in Emulationstation and I can navigate around quite happily

There is a retorarch autoconfig file for the joypad


Any help would be so gratefully received :slight_smile:



You can try to delete the autoconfig file and try to make your own configuration directly in the retroarch config file.
What emulator are you using? Some are non-retroarch emulators that need their own button config.

Hi there,

I am specifically using the MAME emulator.



Wich one? There are 4 or 5 of them in RetroPie. If you use mame4all you need to configure your joypad separately. Press the TAB key in the emulator and remap your buttons to the correct controls.

thanks for that. just tried the other Mame emulators and they work. :slight_smile:

hi there

thanks for this scripts you’ve made!

i have the same problem, from a fresh instalation of osmc. when i choose to quit ES, it freezes to a dark screen and have to reboot from SSH. i dont have the video.sh file… also, tried to update script as you told and nothing helped :frowning:

hope you can help!

hi there,

anyone knows how to set up exit keys for mame4all?

i have added this to the retroarch at mame config folder:

input_enable_hotkey_btn = “9”
input_exit_emulator_btn = “8”

that is working in another retropie i use, but not on this (i’m not sure what mame emulator i’m using on the other retropie)

also… is there any way to configure neo geo pads like in mame pressing tab button, or i have to edit manually the retroarch file? i mean… how can i make the analog stick works in neo geo? it works in snes and mame, but not neo geo… where can i copy and where i have to paste the configuration for make the analog stick works on the neo geo emulator?

thanks a lot!

Hello all,

Sorry that I have to tell you that I will not be available to test anything the next days. Will be with my family for christmas and therefore PI-less.

Hope you enjoy the holiday season and I’ll do my best to solve the recently occuring problems at the start of the next year.

Have a great time!

Edit: Keep the reports coming though :slight_smile:


You should be able to map esc (exit) key to a button. Not sure if a combination will work.
If you use a retroarch mame it will work directly.

For other controller configurations I suggest you have a look at the RetroPie documentation (Wiki) as they explain it for pretty much every emulator. Including the files you have to edit.