[HowTo] RetroPie and OSMC: Retrosmc - Retrogaming on OSMC

Thank you! … But link is broken :confused:
But now looking on 8bitdo forums.

errr…right…encountered this before. somehow that link doesn’t work for everyone. I re-posted it at some point as the following: http://forum.8bitdo.com/thread-475-1-1.html

also fixed link in the original post. hopefully that will help others in the future.

Fantastic! Putting one of the little ones down ATM… This will give me something to play with tomorrow!

networking error ? it should provide more information as to why. Please post an actual log (via pastebin.com or similar)

2016.04.01 osmc, ran retrosmc install via ssh, update script, configure controllers. Synced the 2 8bitdo pro controllers-> had to turn off other BT radios (PC, phones, etc), sync first as joypad (power + right) on both controllers then as remote (just power).

Then configured per jboy’s link and Home · RetroPie/RetroPie-Setup Wiki · GitHub

Booted into osmc, restarted, into retropie, both controllers come up.

But… The BT drops every so often and requires a restart. The 2nd player controller needs to be manually forced back after each reboot.

Going to try Recalbox on a pi 3 I purchased just for the test (github wiki indicates good 8bitdo support)

With Wired controllers or PS3 controllers I would likely stick with retropie / retrosmc. Nice implementation, just doesn’t work well with 8bitdo … And I really need the smaller controllers for my girls hands

Seems like the stability of rpi3 bt is still tuned.

I’m a ,long time user of Raspbmc/OSMC and have had the Retrosmc running for ages. With a Playstation 3 controller over Bluetooth.

Yesterday I decided to do a clean install. But for some reason whenever I run

sudo update-rc.d sixad defaults

I get back

insserv: Service bluetooth has to be enabled to start service sixad insserv: exiting now! update-rc.d: error: insserv rejected the script header

The BT controller is working. But I need to run sixad on every reboot.

any ideas?

So looks like the bluetooth service is not started before the sixad service.
You will need to get the right order at startup.
Maybe @DBMandrake can help here.

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For Debian Jessie you don´t need sixad for the DualShock3 Controller.
You can use bluetoothctl to connect the DualShock Controller.
If the Controller was already paired with sixad try this:
agent on
discoverable on
scan on
push the PS Button
You will see the mac address of your controller - remember the address xx:xx:xx::xx:xx:xx
scan off to stop scanning
connect xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
trust xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx. Ignore error message
reboot your pi

You can now connect DualShock Controller … only push PS button

If you don´t like the mac address for the name go to /dev/lib/bluetooth/xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
sudo su
cd /var/lib/bluetooth/
then make a ls to see the mac address of the bt controller
cd xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
ls again to see the mac address of the dualshock controller
cd xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx this is the mac address of your conttroller
nano info
you can insert the name you want
Name=DualShock 3 for example
make a reboot

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Cheers Fredy, it took a bit of messing but I seem to have it working based on your instructions.

Much appreciated.

I’ve even managed to pair up 2 for 2 player :thumbsup:


can someone tell me how to make the dualshock 4 controller work on retrosmc?
when I connect the controller via blutooth on osmc, the controller is recognized in retrosmc (i can control the emulator selection, can assign the buttons from the white controller config menu) but when i open the general settings from the retroosmc’s blutooth settings, i cant connect to the ds4 controller.

i can start selected games with ds4 but i cant control the game itself with the ds4.
what is wrong here?

thanks alot…

I am having a lot of trouble pairing my PS3 controller to RetrOSMC. I am on a Raspberry Pi 3. I’ve gone through the post-install setup and installed the PS3 drivers but when I plug in the controller via USB, the controller only rumbles. I disconnect the controller and push the PS3 button to no avail.

I’ve also backed out and gone to My OSMC and verified that the onboard Bluetooth controller is functioning properly by connecting my phone to it so I know that the BT is working.

Does anyone have any idea what is going on? The controller just rumbles incessantly (I’ve let it rumble for an hour, then disconnected it and still no BT connection).


Is there any benefits of Retrosmc over RetroPie? I installed RetroPie about a year ago but wondering if I should switch?

Retrosmc is RetroPie with added scripts and functionality to run besides Kodi.
If you are happy with your old installation there is no need to switch.

But the old installer had to get somebwheezy dependancys while the current retrosmc is jessie only and should not harm your system at update.

Maybe you want to consider retrosmc if you reinstall osmc.

Are you using the clone or original PS3 controller?

When I switched from my Pi2 to Pi 3 (and using pi3 built in BT) my clone controller stopped working. I have to use the original controller and it work right after I paired using the USB cable.

I now use the clone controller on my other pi2 that sits in the cellar with BT dongle as before.

Thanks mcobit.

There’s ~/RetroPie ~/RetroPie-Setup and ~/Downloads/install-retroosmc.sh . Can I delete the last two files or should I keep them? For additional post-setup config and updates?

You should keep them after installation.
You can use them to update retrosmc and configure retropie.

What version do you have insralled? If you have the chroot environment, I would suggest to first uninstall via the install-retrosmc.sh script.
Then download the new version and install again.

I’m not 100% certain if it’s using the chroot env or not? How would I know?

All the scripts have been downloaded into my HOME dir ~/ . I’ve used the install-retrosmc.sh script attached on this post.

I installed Retrosmc on a fresh install of OSMC onto a blank SD card. Seemed simpler that way.

I there is a folder called retropie-rootfs in /opt then you have the chroot version.

Else just keep the version you have.

vnman, thanks. I am using a clone controller. I’ll try to get my buddy’s Xbox 360 controller working. If it works, I’ll buy one.