[HowTo] Spotify-Connect support via Raspotify (LibreSpot)

Hey pulham…

Just trying to search for my problem…
I had the exact same set up as you in early summer but for now the Spotify Addon does not work. Is yours still working…how?

Many thanks,


It still isn’t working. I have not found a solution.

Working from yesterday! Spotify - No sound - #7 by sam_nazarko
My solution was to re-install OSMC Vero 4k Jan 2020 build with latest 1.1.58 marcelveldt build. So far, so good!

Good luck!


I had the same issue some time ago. Now i‘m using airplay so i‘m not too up to date with that topic. For me was the solution to use version 0.12.0 from github.


Newest OSMC release is not working with 0.12, but with the latest 0.16 it’s totally fine, there is even a ±15sec forwarding.


Anyone has any experience with Matrix builds? I’ve upgraded last week and came to the discovery today that the service still seems to be running, however i can’t see the device on my phone anymore.

Works fine for me on matrix Rpi 4

actually got it running via the older tutorial:

thankfully i still have the appkey

Does anyone got this Raspotify package to work on the Vero 4K+ (Kodi Matrix, v19.3) ?

I’m very new to Kodi / OSMC, and I tried to follow the instructions in the first post of this thread.
I installed the Raspotify package (latest version, which is 0.31.3 as of this writing), and tried to connect from my Android phone’s Spotify app (Premium account), but it didn’t work; it did display a device named “Raspotify (osmc)” in the Spotify Connect devices list, but when I select it, the song stops and also it doesn’t actually connect to it. If I have the music stopped, it appears to actually connect to it (I get the green icon of connected device), but as soon as I try to play a song it instantly disconnects/pauses. So in short, I could not get anything to play via my Vero.

I also tried to follow the manual install instructions from the Raspotify GitHub repo - after first uninstalling (purging) the package installed as per this thread - but the outcome was the same as described above.

When checking the status of the Raspotify service, I got the following output:

osmc@osmc:~$  sudo systemctl status raspotify
* raspotify.service - Raspotify (Spotify Connect Client)
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/raspotify.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Sun 2021-12-05 13:12:31 EET; 3min 14s ago
     Docs: https://github.com/dtcooper/raspotify
 Main PID: 4872 (librespot)
    Tasks: 1 (limit: 1620)
   Memory: 668.0K
   CGroup: /system.slice/raspotify.service
           `-4872 /usr/bin/librespot --name Raspotify (osmc) --device-type speaker --backend alsa --bitrate 160 --disable-audio-cache --enable-volume-normalisation --volume-ctrl linear --initial-

Dec 05 13:12:31 osmc systemd[1]: Started Raspotify (Spotify Connect Client).
Dec 05 13:12:31 osmc librespot[4872]: [2021-12-05T11:12:31Z INFO  librespot] librespot 0.3.1 bbd575e (Built on 2021-11-26, Build ID: a6e0Ery3, Profile: release)
Dec 05 13:12:31 osmc librespot[4872]: [2021-12-05T11:12:31Z WARN  libmdns] Failed to register IPv6 receiver: Os { code: 19, kind: Uncategorized, message: "No such device" }

osmc@osmc:~$ apt list raspotify
Listing... Done
raspotify/unknown,now 0.31.3~librespot.v0.3.1-19-gbbd575e armhf [installed]

I’ve just revisited this way of running Spotify connect because it’s way better than the old way.

It is working for me now, I am on the Dev build btw.

I do have the same issue where it’s showing as Librespot(osmc) not appearing to use the config that i have in the config file.

They have completely rebuild since version 0.31.4 you should purge and reinstall.

config file has changed to /etc/raspotify/conf

see the Wiki for more options:

i had the same error message it’s now fixed with the update and updating config file.

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just dropping this here for if anyone else is expereing issues with Spotify:

Spotify connect skipping songs - Plugins - Volumio

update hosts file to reflect ap-gew4.spotify.com

has solved it for me.