I have NOOBs. Can I add OSMC, or do I need to re-flash my card?

I have NOOBS up and working on my Raspberry Pi. I can’t seem to find anywhere an incremental add for OSMC. Does anything exist where I can just add it, or do I need to flash a brand new card?

Thanks very much in advance!!!


Use the disk image (opposed to the installer) available here Download - OSMC

NOOBS can be used to get OSMC without downloading from our site.

You will need a network cable attached so additional operating systems show. By default, the foundation only include Raspbian on the card itself to save space.


If I download the image, wouldn’t the image wipe out the existing NOOBS on the card?

I have a network cable (we didn’t use it when we initially configured NOOBS.) We connected it, found the Pi store, but could not find OSMC in the Pi Store. How can we find it?

Thanks again in advance!!!

Joey / OP

Hi Joey

it indeed would, so don’t do that.

The Pi Store isn’t where OSMC is. OSMC is a complete operating system, rather than an App.

Reboot your Pi and hold SHIFT on your keyboard. You will get a list of operating systems as a prompt. OSMC will be one of them.

You can hold SHIFT at boot to toggle between Raspbian and OSMC

Hope this helps


Thanks Sam! Found it!

I thought I had a fast network connection, but it appears it is going to take about 20-30 minutes to download all of that. It appears to be re-imaging the card. Is that normal?

Also, do you know, is there a more graceful way of rebooting the Pi other than pulling the USB and re-inserting?

Thanks again!!!

In OSMC go to Power → Reboot.

You should also use Power → Shutdown before unplugging so it shuts down safely.

Yep, it’s just creating partitions for OSMC to reside on. Should be fine.

Let me know how you get on


37% complete right now, so I am going to take a break before going back.

I was very excited about building a media player on the cheap, so I bought the B+ from my local electronics store for I think $33. I have only had it 3 days, and can still return it. For OSMC, is it pretty much a no-brainer to return the B+, and pay the extra $12-$15 for the 2B? (I am learning as I am going…)

It may be a slow card, not your connection.

Yes, very much worth it

You will need to reinstall OSMC though (Pi2 version)


Ok Sam, I got it up and running with a network connection, but I got to admit I am a hopeless newbie…

Will I need the Flirc to use a remote control with the Pi, or is there anything cheaper I can use to start with? Also it says on the about page:

Get a torrent client, web browser and TV tuner up in seconds. All from your remote.

I was navigating using my keyboard, but couldn’t find this. Can you help me find these?

Thanks again! Looking forward to playing some real media off this.


The App Store will let you set some of these things up, I am still improving that. The web browser is meant to land in September. I will update our About page to be a little more accurate


In the ap store, I found,
ftp server
cron task scheduler
tv headend server (I guess this is the tv tuner?)
ssh server
samba server

By ftp, ssh, and samba server, I assume I host the server, so I would still need to start with my own media?

And for TV head end server, that’s if I have tuner hardware? (which is something I would surely be interested in upgrading to.)

Is there anything public with video media (streaming or files) I could tap into? Or what is the quickest way I can get some type of media on this thing that I can play?!

Also, can I get a cheap USB media remote like:


that plugs into a USB port? Or should I get the flirc to be safe?




Investigate the addons. There are many available from the Kodi.org repo that is pre-installed.

There are dozens available in the Kodi repo mentioned above.

Yes, check out the MyOSMC remote configuration to see some pics of supported remotes. Or maybe the TV you are connected to has CEC support? Try using it’s remote. Alternatively, there are several free and paid kodi remote apps for both Android and iOS from the Play/App stores.

How do I get to those add-ons with any type of media that I can play or stream?

And regarding remotes, will I need some type of USB infrared (IR) converter connected to the Pi to use an Android App remote?

Settings>addons>get addons

No, but both devices must be connected to the same local network. ie: both connected to your home network and on the same subnet.

Ok, that makes sense, I will run by my electronics store, and look for a cheap wifi remote.

I checked earlier this morning and there were LOTS of add-ons. Can you recommend a few where we can start browsing tv media? Will this support Amazon, Netflix, or Hulu?

This is not what I’m saying… If you have an Android device, use the Google Play store and install Yatse. You don’t have to buy anything.

Are you talking about trying to watch current mainstream television shows? Because the only way to do this with an addon and without TV tuner hardware is by using addons that provide pirated content and you will receive no recommendations or support for those here.

No, not currently.

I have no interest in any pirated media.

Are you saying it supports no free video media or pay for streaming services, it only supports the video media I capture myself? I just want to get a feel for how this thing plays video before I keep reinvesting in it and upgrading it!

There are tons of addons… I have no idea what you are interested in watching. Go wild and check some of them out bud.

The addons and support to outside media services is all provided by Kodi. If you do any google search for what you are looking for with the word kodi included, you’ll find the answers. There may be options for services such as Netflix in the not so distant future, but not currently.