Originally published at: Improving our Wiki - OSMC
Hi everyone, We’ve been improving OSMC on a daily basis and now that things have settled down we’d like to make documenting it our next focus. OSMC is gaining thousands of users every month and naturally many of these users have questions and queries. Our previous Wiki was based on GitHub, but we found that…
The project has settle down? In that case I don’t understand raspbmc dev saying this is better… With raspberry pi 1 model B OSMC is unusable. Don’t have full mouse support, OSMC freezes when pausing a movie for more than 3 minutes… I wrote that problems and nobody relays or say something so gg
Please hear the community and don’t say that the project has settled down.
I’m sorry to hear you’re having problems, but this seems like an isolated case given the number of users we have. I would suggest starting a new forum post with a full set of logs so we can have a look at the issue. OSMC does support mice on Raspberry Pi and the OSMC skin has supported mice for a couple of months as well.
You now have my attention.
I’m seeing absolutely huge graphics (double screen widths) for OSMC, PayPal and the social sites using the Chrome browser.
Edit - Disregard as it seems to be fixed now.
It would be nice to have something about ssh. Like how to connect, and or set-up if we need to. I can also volunteer to do it
Love the look of the new Wiki
Happy to help out with guides where I can
I can see how to edit a “wiki” page, but not how to add one
If you just make a post in General and prefix it with [WIKI] we will move it to the Wiki. When you make enough contributions, we can make you part of the Wiki group