Incoming ports blocked

hi Helpful friends :slight_smile:

Looks like i can’t use remote access to my rpi. I can ping the hostname just fine and it resolves the correct IP however when using the opened ports (opened on the router) it just takes too long then gives me a time out. It was working just fine but i removed network manager last time after i installed it to get rid of OPENVPN. I can access other machines on the same network correctly but everyhting on OSMC machine is a no go.

You’ve probably messed up your box by installing network manager. One possibility is that there are some iptables rules still lurking, Try this from the command line:

sudo iptables -S

It should show just three lines:


thanks for the prompt reply, as always :wink:

yes it only shows those 3, looking at netstat i still see openvpn listening

Are we talking about SSH or OpenVPN?

You can access them remotely or locally? You’ve provided too little information.

sorry for the confusion. what i mean is, when i type hostname:port i can’t access that. For example SSH, TRANSMISSION, SICKRAGE, are all on different ports and none are accessible. Im not connecting through VPN i dunno why its running though, must be the old install

I just removed forwarding port for SSH from the router, it immediatly tells me that the connection is refused. When i add it back it just hangs and time out

Perhaps you can give me a concrete example of what you’re doing, where you’re doing it (ie what machine) and what the result is.

Port forwarding is normally used for access from the Internet side of the router. Is this relevant here?

yes of course, i’m trying to access my rpi from outside my home network (which did work fine before installing network manager and OPENVPN).

So, how about an example?

sure, on my browser gives me the access to my router on my browser should give me access to sickrage interface which is running on my RPI but it doesnt, it just says :The server at is taking too long to respond.

So within your LAN, http://<Pi Address>:4141 successfully goes to the sickrage interface, correct? If so, the Pi is working just fine but your router isn’t working correctly and the first thing to do is reboot it.

That said, IMO you are just asking for trouble port forwarding straight to machines on your LAN. Really, you should only be allowing either SSH or OpenVPN through your router or something bad can easily happen. End of sermon.

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FTFY :wink:

So within your LAN, http://:4141 successfully goes to the sickrage interface, correct?

yep correct. Already rebooted the router and removed all port forwarding yet re-adding them leads to same error.

That said, IMO you are just asking for trouble port forwarding straight to machines on your LAN. Really, you should only be allowing either SSH or OpenVPN through your router or something bad can easily happen. End of sermon.

yes i know but i only have sickrage and transmission running and ssh is on a non standard port as are the other 2 :slight_smile: also using a very strong password i can’t even remember

I know little about sickrage but transmission has a config option rpc-whitelist that defines which IP addresses can access the interface. It’s worth checking out.

first thing i did was checking that out, i guess i’ll just reinstall everyhting, once again :confused: if it ain’t broke don’t fix it, applies here

A reinstall looks to be a sound decision.

Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface
default UG 0 0 0 tun0
default UG 0 0 0 eth0 * U 0 0 0 tun0 UGH 0 0 0 eth0 UGH 0 0 0 eth0
ec2-54-93-173-1 UGH 0 0 0 eth0 UG 0 0 0 tun0 * U 0 0 0 eth0 * UH 0 0 0 eth0

Does this look normal?

It looks normal if you’re running an OpenVPN client.

well i thought i removed OPENVPN dunno why its still running

Wouldn’t it have been easier and safer to reinstall OSMC from scratch?

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yup tahts what 'im planing on doing this weekend. Any particular way to reinstall?trying to lose the least possible configs. Isn’t there a function to just reinstall instead of wiping the sd card and installing over?