The OSMC installer doesn’t seem to scale very well on HiDPI screens.
I have a Dell XPS 15 with resolution 3200x1800 and text size 200%, so it basically looks like 1600x900 and this is what the installer looks like:
It’s easy enough to workaround, just change resolution, text size and relogin to run the installer and reverse after. FYI the Rasbmc installer didn’t have this issue.
I’m not using a custom size, just setting the overall scaling in Windows 8.1:
It works pretty well at 125%, which would be common for people with a 15 inch 1080p screen. Some might even use 150% which may not work, but I haven’t tested. Obviously from my first screenshot 200% is no good.
I’ll admit I’m probably in the very small minority, but thought it best to report.