IPazzPort Bluetooth Help

I have it paired with my Pi2 and if i spam buttons I will occasionally hear a kodi noise. Is there a configuration file i need to set up or something to get it working. I have done the bluetooth enable and set it to enable to boot. Rebooted after changes still can only control kodi from my tv remote via hdmi. When i reboot the device is showing as up and running.

hci0: Type: BR/EDR Bus: USB
BD Address: 00:19:15:49:DD:38 ACL MTU: 1017:8 SCO MTU: 64:8
RX bytes:12455 acl:597 sco:0 events:96 errors:0
TX bytes:976 acl:23 sco:0 commands:62 errors:0

root@osmc:/etc/lirc# bt-device -l
Added devices:
iPazzPort Bluetooth (EB:94:45:90:40:10)