Irregular skip step

I setted my skip steps to be +10 sec on a single tap on the forward button, but I recently noted that the amount of skipped seconds is not always 10.
This value is random and goes from 10 to 18 seconds.

Why is it happening?

If you have chapter markers the large skip steps jump those instead of doing the skip step. If the video file is under a certain length then Kodi will use a percentage based skip instead of using the times you have set. I assume the latter is what your seeing. There is no way to override the behavior or either situation as far as I’m aware.

If you have chapter markers the large skip steps jump those instead of doing the skip step

this issue happens even with videos which don’t have chapter markers.

If the video file is under a certain length then Kodi will use a percentage based skip instead of using the times you have set. I assume the latter is what your seeing.

I think it’s not. Because for the same file the skip is not constant