Is there a way to increase video playback speed with Vero 4K+?

I just read through these posts and got a bit lost, especially towards the end. I’m not super familiar with how to make these changes. Would someone mind posting more of a step by step so I could achieve faster playback speeds using my OSMC remote? I would use it on the Youtube add-on.

Under cd ~/.kodi/userdata/keymaps/ I don’t have any directories. What would I need to do to make changes to the remote keybinds. The changes I would like to make are long press right increases playback speed, long press left decreases playback speed, and long press up takes me to now playing.

Edit: I realize I have to create a new .xml or copy one and edit it. Trying to figure out how to do that now.

You already figured out you have to create the .xml if it doesn’t already exist. Now … if you’re connected to your OSMC device via ssh, navigate to the directory /home/osmc/.kodi/userdata/keymaps/, then create a new empty file with the touch command by entering touch keyboard.xml. Open the newly created file with the beginner friendly text editor nano using the command nano keyboard.xml. Copy the content of step 2 in nrvale’s post above and paste it into nano. Press Ctrl + o to save the file, then Ctrl + x to close nano. Exit ssh, reboot the Vero, and you should be done.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <right mod="longpress">PlayerControl(tempoup)</right>
      <left mod="longpress">PlayerControl(tempodown)</left>

I want to add a keybind where by holding home takes me to whatever video is currently playing from the home screen. What do I add after the longpress

<home mod="longpress"></home>

and do I add it to the same xml or do I make a new one? I also want to add long press down takes me to the home screen from any screen.

edit: as I’m learning more I’m going to make a few edits to this post.
Since this is not under the main topic I’ll start a new discussion.

The PlayerControl(tempoup) and PlayerControl(tempodown) options are deactivated for the current OSMC version or are they still available?
Thanks in advance.

Sam posted this a while ago

Very too bad! Will there be a new feature in the future?

This never actually worked for hardware decoding (AMLCodec).
We could make it work again for software based decoding – i.e. ffmpeg.

What kind of content are you playing? Do you have MediaInfo output?

All kind of media. Slower playback is a great way to learn a foreign language.

It can only be implemented for media that doesn’t require hardware acceleration, so without MediaInfo output it’s hard to speculate.