Is there an addon to play internet radio stations?

I like to listen to and bassdrive internet radio. Is there a way to open these from the main UI?

Just have a look at the Radio addon. It should offer tons of international radio stations:

Thanks for the suggestion. The radio addon does have dnbradio but not bassdrive. I can’t see a way to open up a radio stream from a custom URL in there.

Is there a radio addon that can open up custom radio links? I sometimes listen to audio podcasts and they will not be available through any app with a list.

Never done it but have a look here:


There seems to be a way, which I haven’t tested and it doesn’t sound too intuitive, but it might be worth a shot: [RELEASE] Radio Add-on (,,,, Music Plugin

Do you know the URL that you would put into something like vlc?

if so, create a .m3u file and include it:


#EXTINF:-1 tvg-name=“” group-title=“” tvg-logo=“”,title for your stream

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-name=“” group-title=“” tvg-logo=“”,another stream

Then navigate to it on the filesystem, and add it to your favorites.

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I think that Bassdrive is on SHOUTcast … so try installing that add on.

OK thanks, saving and opening the m3u file, i will try that.