I just bought a new Raspberry Pi 3 to install Kodi (or a variant such as OSMC) on to see how it would perform. If all goes well I will replace the 5-7 TV PCs I have throughout my house. I’m new to OSMC but not Kodi.
Here is the skinny…
- Currently all my TVs are ran by a Windows 10 PC running Kodi on it.
- I have all my Windows 10 Kodi PCs connected to a domain.
- They all use the same account to access media (user: HOUSE.local\xmbc and pass: xbmc).
- I have an advancedsettings.xml and a mediasources.xml file on each machine that specifics all the paths to things like substitutes, databases, etc.
- Since all my kodi PCs were on the domain and used the current logged in account to access media there was no need to specify user/pass on any of the media sources. Now that I’m using a NON Windows OS (such as OSMC’s backend) I need to specify credentials.
=== mediasources.xml ===
<location id="0">smb://mediaserver/database</location>
=== advancedsettings.xml ===
My Issue:
I have tried things like this…
… but that does not seem to be working.
I know my Pi is connected to the network with no issues because I’m able to see the library (preexisting kodi one that I’m now using with OSMC) and all of it’s glory. I can also view trailers etc. But when it comes to watching anything I have OSMC telling me the file no longer exists and it wants to delete it. So I try to go into FILE MANAGER and add a source… I give it a name and then click browse. Select “Add network location”, choose protocol Windows network (SMB), type in the IP address of the server under server name, type in the user “HOUSE.local\xmbc” and the password “xbmc”, then click browse button. I get “Unknown error 8216”.
Any ideas what I can try to get this things working?