I switched a few weeks ago from Openelec to OSMC on my Raspberry Pi B+ and everything worked fine for a time, even with my HiFiBerry DAC+ that I never succeeded to got working on Openelec.
But a few days ago playing movies became suddenly totally sluggish.
The pi is connected to an amplifier trough RCA and to a projector trough HDMI. The files are read trough a SMTP share. Nothing changed on this side of the installation.
With the HiFiBerry DAC+ analog output the sound is good (there was a few slow-down or pitch drops time to time, when starting or moving the timeline, but no big deal), but now during playback the video is totally jerky, and never reach 12 fps or so. I configured the DAC+ by following https://www.hifiberry.com/2015/08/configuring-osmc/ . This is sadly unusable and I had to disable it for now.
But even with the pi analog output (where the sound is not so good, as it always been, especially a continuous loud white noise) there is now also regular frame drops, for a second every 10 seconds…
The issue apply to any of the files I tried.
Everything seems stable apart from that, and relatively fast during other tasks.
The CPU is overclocked to 950 (using the preset), and is around 20% in idle and fixed at 100% during playback.
The only two things that changed in the previous days, as I remember, is that OSMC was upgraded to the last release, and that I installed a vnc server. The vnc server is idle when not used, with a very light footprint on the CPU, and I didn’t see any improvement by killing it.
I’m fighting with that for the last days and I’m a bit lost, please tell me if I should have added any other information.
Thanks a lot for your consideration.
PS : the only other thing that I noticed become slower is the search for subtitles on OpenSubtitles, that takes at least 20s with OSMC. But I presume that it’s unrelated.